Welcome! Moors Wood is a small private woodland owned and managed by Sarah and Ian Blenkinsop as a nature reserve and as a sustainably managed source of various wood products.

Sarah is a freelance Environmental Educator, Lecturer and Forest School Leader. Based at her own site at Moors Wood, Sarah provides fun natural/recycled craft workshops; play or storytelling sessions; eco themed parties; workshops on food preservation, setting up an organic garden, setting up a composting area or keeping chickens; or training courses in various woodcraft and play skills. These services are available for adults and/or children. Sarah is also very happy to come to you and deliver any of the above, or to give talks to groups.

Follow the links to find out more about what is on offer. Please click on the photos if you need to make them larger. Also visit Sarah's other site, The Compost Bin, for more general info and advice on sustainable living.

Working at SHYPP Leominster

Today I was at SHYPP Leominster as part of  an H Energy and  and Herefordshire New Leaf   funded event, working with lots of lovely people coming in to do workshops with me about chicken keeping, composting, seed sowing, gardening, cooking and lots of different crafts (needle felting a brooch, herb scented decorated bags, decorated seed planters and paper boat making)

needle felted brooch making

Everyone very intent on their work

 Time for a well earned cuppa - the lunch SHYYP provided was really good :) Thank you!

This lovely person holding Mrs Algy made the brooch she is wearing :) 

As always, the Serama chickens were very popular! Mr and Mrs Algy were stars!  Mrs Algy laid an egg at the end :) 

Members of The Big Skill were also there, with clay modelling, wet felting and willow weaving so there was lots going on for people to see and join in with  :) 

SHYPP is a fabulous project - this is what they say on their website
SHYPP provides 16 - 25 year olds across Herefordshire with housing, training and employment opportunities.
We provide a range of accommodation suitable for young people at different stages of their lives including foyer accommodation, move on flats, shared houses and supported lodgings.
We are not just about accommodation we work with young people through training programmes and a wide range of activities.  SHYPP wants to give Young People the opportunity to develop independent living skills, identify their talents and go on to live happy and successful lives.  SHYPP also provides floating support to assist Young People in their own homes, enabling them to access accommodation, maintain accommodation and help with debt management.
SHYPP is a service driven by what young people want, this means projects develop according to their needs.

Thank you to H Energy and Herefordshire New Leaf for making such a great day possible and to all the staff and members at SHYPP for being such good fun to work with. 

mile emoticon

 It was a privilege to work with such an enthusiastic, thoughtful group of young adults.
Also many thanks to the  helpful men who helped carry stuff to my car at the end :)  

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