Welcome! Moors Wood is a small private woodland owned and managed by Sarah and Ian Blenkinsop as a nature reserve and as a sustainably managed source of various wood products.

Sarah is a freelance Environmental Educator, Lecturer and Forest School Leader. Based at her own site at Moors Wood, Sarah provides fun natural/recycled craft workshops; play or storytelling sessions; eco themed parties; workshops on food preservation, setting up an organic garden, setting up a composting area or keeping chickens; or training courses in various woodcraft and play skills. These services are available for adults and/or children. Sarah is also very happy to come to you and deliver any of the above, or to give talks to groups.

Follow the links to find out more about what is on offer. Please click on the photos if you need to make them larger. Also visit Sarah's other site, The Compost Bin, for more general info and advice on sustainable living.

Woodland play session

#forestschools #play

Earlier in the week we had a play session in the Wood, we were blessed with glorious weather and had a lovely day.

Lots of hot drinks brewed on the fire

I showed everybody how to make fire with a fire steel and char cloth

 and then every one tried to light a fire of their own without using matches.

Everyone managed it without using matches and they were all very pleased with themselves - as they should be  - it is not as easy as it looks!

We had lunch and hot chocolate and then I then showed them all how to make char cloth in the hot embers of the fire, using a lidded can, with a hole in the lid (very important!)  and cotton rags. Char cloth is useful as it is really easy to get an ember going when you strike a spark onto it. You can make charcoal sticks for drawing in the same way

The children ran around and played lots of hide and seek games and built a den and gathered firewood and enjoyed themselves - no mobiles or games consoles in sight!

The adults sat around the fire and chatted and listened to bird song.

Everyone had a great time :)